I recently bought my fourth bicycle ever. Yes, I've owned more scooters than bicycles. Here is my bike riding history:
Ross convertible cruiser. 20 inch wheels. Blue. Toptank model. I still own this bike and it hangs in my old "fort" at my parents' house, but is too small for me.
Second: Huffy "Dirt Water" orange. 24 or 26 inch wheels. 18 speed thumb shifters. Horrible bike. Long gone.
Gary Fisher Mamba. 1997 model (I think). Flat grey. Gorgeous bike. 21 speed grip shifters. Double butted chromoly steel. Owned since new. Wheels were stolen a few months ago but I bought wheels off of some dude for $5 and just need new tubes to get back going.
Fourth: Rollfast Cruiser. I bought it about a month ago on a whim.
I love it for numerous reasons.
The paint looks rusty, but it's not. It's orange and faded and original. The decals are there and faded too. A lot of people have seen this bike and said it looks crappy, but I believe it to be a piece of art. That's why I like it. It looks fast standing still and is simple and beautiful.
Rollfast Bicycles was a partnership between the D. P. Harris company of New York City and the H. P. Snyder company of Little Falls, New York, which is where I'm from. I can't afford an Ira Ryan or a Mountain Cycle, the local bikes of now that I lust for, so I got a Rollfast.
I love the dual top tubes on the top top tube (does that make sense?). Most have the dual tube on the lower of the two top tubes. It's gorgeous. I am considering a fixed gear rear wheel for this. Would that make sense? The tires are not original, but are Cheng Shin (for Trac-Shin!) like every other crappy scooter I've owned.
I can't find a picture of a Rollfast like mine anywhere on the internet, so this is the first. I will write and post more pictures of the Rollfast as I ride it and fix it up. It is nice to have a coaster braking bike again.
Here is one of the few articles I could find on Rollfast Bicycles: